PokeFavorites: Quagsire

While Quagsire may not be the strongest Pokemon, he is up there as one of my favorites that is a must for any team I have in game. This little guy was introduced in Generation II and is a Water-Ground type, with some pretty good abilities like Water Absorb with heals the user if a water move is used against them, and Oblivious which makes sure that any stat changes on the other side are ignored. When it comes to base stats...well...take a look.

As a whole it isn't fantastic, the speed is awful but as I like to say, improvement can always happen. Best nature for this guy would be one that helps out with defense or attack, Adamant or Calm would be my pick.
If its anything interesting, Quagsire and Pikachu share the same total stats, I know that Quagsire will never be a starter like Pikachu and Eevee are but I can certainly dream, plus they are avaliable in HeartGold and SoulSilver so I can easily just have them follow me around and pretend they were my starter.
One of my favorite PokeDex entries for Quagsire is the one from Pokemon Emerald, reading...
"A Quagsire hunts by leaving its mouth wide open in water and waiting for its prey to blunder in. Because it doesn't move, it does not get very hungry."
Very much like one of my real life animal friends that I like a lot, Catfish and Basking Sharks! Look at these cuties!
Anybody? Ah, I guess it's just me who finds them cute. Although, Quagsire is based on Giant Salamanders, I do see the similarities between them and Catfish though, mostly because both of them are incredibly dopey looking and make some pretty funny noises in my opinion.

Interesting fact, a few years back the beta of Pokemon Gold and Silver was found, including unseen Pokemon and beta designs for a lot of them. Including our friend Quagsire! Not much changed with him, which shows he is a perfect design -- I joke of course but they seemed to hit the nail on the head with him.

Who couldn't love this little guy?
I have a big soft spot for the Gold and Silver colors since they had not much when it came to the ability of the GameBoy Color but it adds to the charm of it. Also Quagsire just looks absolutely adorable with the pale blue, many a joke can be made about they look like a sperm but...I will try and resist the urge. Honestly somedays I wish I just looked like the beta design, the vibes remind me more of a Pillow Pet than a salamander that is in the water, which is my dream next to being any sort of avian.
But I feel like them going with a proper light blue for him worked out better in the end, after all, it makes the fact the shiny version of Quagsire being pink much more enjoyable! I will always go for a brighter looking shiny then the washed out ones, I feel like I'm the only person who likes shiny Espeon for Christ sakes.
As a whole I absolutely adore this guy, I don't own any merch of them yet and I am currently working on playing SoulSilver, albeit I am getting a shiny starter so getting my buddy may take a while but once I have a Quagsire I'll update this little page! For right now I will wait patiently for my boy to come home...