The Simpsons, Phil Hartman and other such stuff
May 24th, 2023

I ended up watching The Simpsons around two years ago for the first time, entire series front to back. Ever since then it has sort of stuck in my head, even as my hyperfixations change it still stays as one of my longest running ones, next to of course the book Moby Dick . I find the show timeless, albeit the later seasons aren't as good, recently it has gotten slightly better. Personally I believe that everything after the movie isn't good, and the best bits are up until around season 10. But that's my opinion, I, as a whole love the franchise, I own a few of the figures as well!
the reason I discuss it today mostly has to do with me rewatching Brave Little Toaster and realizing wait a minute... Phil Hartman is in this?
Yes, this Phil Hartman, rest in peace to him, we will truly miss you
What can I say about him that hasn't been said before...his characters that he did on The Simpsons were wonderful, my favorite being the one off character of Lyle Lanley who appears in the monorail episode, a parody of The Music Man , which so happens to also be one of my favorite musicals. He was also on News Radio which while not being my favorite sitcom of that era, is really funny. If you'd like to know that spot goes to Frasier .
I don't want to be that person, but I do feel some sort of relation to the man, he was in an abusive relationship with his wife, who went on to murder him. She was verbally and physically abusive to Phil and the reason that he stayed was that he cared about his two kids and the hope that he could help his wife get better. I've been in not great relationships in the past and I get that mentality of styaing because you want the abuser to get better. It's a sad but true fact of life that sometimes, you can't help someone.
I really do wish I could have met him, he seemed like a great guy.
...Anyways The Simpsons am I right? I know they could never bring back any of his characters and I'm glad they won't I find it disrespectful, in the age of AI voices it would make me upset if they tried to. But I've always loved the concept of Lyle Lanley coming back to Springfield in an attempt to try and put his life back together, I like to imagine his character has no fancy degree and was just a musical theater major who was just very charming and could play people for scams really well. Also the visual of him in sweatpants in the groccery store with a stray cat he found that just won't leave him alone is funny to me. Once my computer is able to work, my fancy one that is, not the crapp Chromebook I've been stuck with for two years now, I'll end up drawing a comic about it.
Also a porn comic about him, because as much as I do have real reasons for liking him as a character, I also am a dirty, dirty kinnie who would like to draw him getting railed by Hank Scorpio because I find him to be sexy. Maybe also because they'd have a good dynamic, sometimes you need a sweet talker to boost up your shares to investers! Even if he is a little bit morally bankrupt!
I'll post that...maybe, tell me your thoughts about it? Who do you like on the show and if you haven't seen it, why is that?
Writers block and other such things
"I'll write something I promise", May 21st, 2023

Have you ever had so many ideas at once that you physically can't get anything out? I remember an episode of The Simpsons where Mr. Burns had to go the hospital and he had every single disorders ever and the doctor calling it Three Stoges Syndrome, which because there are so many none of them can get through the metaphorical door. I think whatever my problem is relating to writing is exactly that.
I'm so backed up with stuff that none of it is coming out, the best I can do right now is wait it out, albeit I've noticed that I can get a few ideas out onto paper when I rewatch stuff I enjoy, say for example The Venture Brothers which I've had as background for...everything at this point. I love that show a lot and I tend to quote it often, it's one of those shows that I feel like barely has anything I don't like.
Point being, watching that has helped with my blockage, I've always been interested in the show and IP that exists within it of the Rusty Venture cartoon and other such Venture media. Team Venture, even before my recent hyperfixation on it were my favorite parts of the show because I find them interesting, not to mention Dr. Jonas Venture Sr being one of my favorite...not villains per say but general assholes in my media. He's charming, smart and deserves the praise in universe he got, he can be a good person but most of the time it's for manpulative reasons, he collects blackmail on people to do his dirty work and was an awful father to Rusty. I like characters who are that, the only other example I can think of is Kent Mansley from the Iron Giant , who is the perfect man of the time but is a prick and is secretly monsterous. (They are both gingers as well so...take of that what you will.)
I will also admit, it is because I find them hot as well, my type will always be morally grey to absolutely vile older men who fit into eras I really like, Colonel Gentleman is a pedophile, Action Man has a higher body count than most whores and I mean in the murder sense and Jonas is...himself. They are great characters for real reasons but...I'll be honest and say that it's 60% because I want to get fucked by them. I'll probably mention my fantasies about them at a later date sense I'm getting off track but to summarize, I like creepy men, being gutted and blackmail.
I suppose to solve this issuse I just have to watch stuff I like, which is a shame since I wanted to watch or engage with something new but oh well...I'll be less stuck after and that's what matters.
Remember Supernatural? I do now.
May 18th, 2023

It's strange really, I never thought I'd have the energy to do coding on this website again for a while. But, after realizing that I've been in a depressive spiral, I took my meds, slept on what my mother told me and decided to sit downstairs instead of rotting in my bedroom and now...we are here.
So, while I have been down here, my mother has been rewatching Supernatural , which I haven't seen in so long...I remember loving it as everybody did in the 2010s, I was a teen back then who used Tumblr so all I'd see was images of Dean and Castiel kissing. We aren't at that part just yet, but I have to say that for a show that is 24 episodes each season, most of the episodes aren't too bad when it comes to ideas.
I find that TV that is that long when it comes to seasons and very much a show that went on as long as Supernatural did would have dried the river sooner. But, for right now it hasn't. I very much enjoyed when they mentioned New Hampshire in an episode as a New Englander.

Pictured me doing this when I heard the word New Hampshire mentioned
Point being I was quite suprised how okay this little rewatch has been. I guess the best thing so far really has been the characters, even the one-off critters are fun to watch most of the times. The people who play the demons in the show always know how to really sell the performance, at least in terms of insane teeth gritting and saying terrible things with full chests.
Castiel honestly was one of my favorites in terms of main cast next to Crowley and Bobby, I always found something so endearing about him and his social ineptness. After not watching the show for a while I forgot how it does make sense that they are a love, Dean and Castiel that is. Something something dragging the one you love out of hell. It's such a shame that he confessed his love and then got sent to super hell and then...become the new G-d?
A lot of people say that the ending was bad, don't get me wrong it bad. But honestly with a show that has come back so many times, killed the main characters multiple times and has gone on for so long, it's hard to end a show like that. There was no way to end it without being...stupid. I'm not saying they could have ended it sooner and not had to deal with the crap fest that happened, but it would have made sense instead of them doing what they did.
It's such a shame because the lead writer Jeremy Carver did Doom Patrol which is excellent and while they cancelled it early, as a whole did a really good job of wrapping things up. I found the second season to not be as interesting but the first season hits hard and I would honestly say if you haven't watched it go out of your way to. Even if you don't like comic book stuff it still manages to do pretty well without it considering...they aren't super heroes, they are just damaged people who had terrible things happen to them. Also it was Brendan Frasers return back to the screen as amazing character Cliff Steele. A lot of people point to The Whale as his return, which as much as I found enjoyment in that movie, that was the first in technicals.
Anyways I hope you all enjoy this little post, will be doing more of these and certainly more things will be added here on the website as a whole. I have lots of time now.