Salutations! Welcome to my website, in all its janky, semi-confused glory. I go by Necro ([NEH] + [KROW]) , really any sort of play on my name is fine as well. This little place here is for me to document and talk without fear of censorship, I have a Twitter, but alas the website is going down hill since Mr. Musk and his stupidity took the reins, driving the site into the ground, probably for money.

I grew up in New England for my entire life and thus my works have a certain…flair to them. That being slightly harsh and cold. More importantly my work isn’t for everyone, if you aren’t a fan of upsetting topics, and I do mean upsetting, along the lines of phillas and rape and at worst, and long descriptions of gore at best, please do not read them. As I like to say, heed the warnings and don’t get mad when you get what you find.

Other than that? Please do enjoy your stay! :}